Picking the Right Paint
Selecting the Perfect Paint for Wellington Homes
In the dynamic weather conditions of Wellington, picking the right exterior paint is more than just about colour; it’s about endurance, protection, and longevity.
Factors to Consider:
- Weather Resistance: Wellington’s coastal location means homes are exposed to salty sea breezes. Paints with a high resistance to saltwater corrosion are key.
- UV Protection: The sun’s rays can cause paint to fade and lose its original hue. UV-resistant paints maintain their colour for longer periods.
- Moisture and Mould Resistance: With Wellington’s occasional damp and rainy spells, paints that repel moisture and prevent mould growth are essential.
Water vs Oil-Based Paints:
While water-based paints dry quickly and have a minimal odour, oil-based options are known for their durability and rich finish. Depending on your home’s location and the surface you’re painting, the choice could differ.
Don’t Forget the Finish:
From matte to high gloss, the finish can influence the paint’s appearance and durability. Glossier finishes, for instance, are easier to clean and resist dirt, making them ideal for high-traffic areas.